Coronavirus and cluster
Bad No good
Better No good
“Coronavirus size” and “Corona-compatible building” were previously posted
on this HP Blog. Recently, there have been many announcements about cluster
occurrence. When COVID19 is regarded as fine particles, the possibility of
cluster formation can be inferred from the experience of developing a device
that removes fine particles.
Fine particles tend to concentrate between the floor and 860 mm, with 300,000
particles in 27 liters, 10,000 particles in 1 liter, and 10 particles in 1 ml (1 cc).
Of course, fine particles cannot be seen by the human eye.
Since the clusters occur in restaurants and entertainment areas, it seems to be related to the height of the nostrils and mouth when breathing is 1 m or less. I think that we can analyze by investigating the survey items from the viewpoint of whether the meal was sitting directly on the floor or tatami mat, or sitting on a chair.
The relationship between the cluster and whether to eat within 1 m above the floor or above that
- Sit at the tatami room and eat at the table
- Banquet in the tatami room
- Eating and drinking entertainment while sitting on the sofa
- Rooms and areas where up flow is likely to occur
Therefore, I think that eating at the table + chairs, eating and drinking at the table seats, and banquets are eating and drinking areas that can reduce the risk. The behavior of fine particles is posted on the March 15th edition of the website. Please look.
To summarize the previous explanation, ventilation causes fine particles to adhere to all solids. Social distance prevents direct droplet infection. The mask keeps your hands out of your mouth. Hand-washing is to wash away after grasping or touching things because fine particles are attached to everything.
The end of document