Application Requirements

Love letter “KOIBUMI” to Kyoto

For everyone who loves Kyoto
For Kyoto to be Kyoto
Hundred years later in Kyoto
to be a city that carries the soul

take wisdom of Kyoto over daily life and affect with nature
to be a city that upholds heritage with each other
We look forward to your love letter to Kyoto

Entry period
Entry will be accepted from the 1st of August 2012 to the 15th of January 2013.
The application must be postmarked by the 15th of Jaunuary 2013.

language Japanese, English

We don’t want to lose original perspective view of life in Kyoto by communicating with nature
even time has changed.
This is our HOPE.
Let us hear what you think, imagine, and feel about aspect of Kyoto in your heart.

Let Kyoto be as eternal Miyako and charming city.
We are waiting for your love letter to Kyoto.

Guidelines for entry
Entry period
Entry will be accepted from the 1st of August 2012 to the 15th of January 2013.
The application must be postmarked by the 15th of Jaunuary 2013.

Entry requirement
Anybody who loves Kyoto can entry

Entry format
A work must be in the form of text, haiku, senryu, and picture letter less than 400 characters
More than 400 characters, other than the above work in the form of photos, videos, etc will not
be accepted.

Work has to be original and within five per person
Jananese and Engish are acceptable

Send it by mailing, Fax, and e-mail to Yuyusya kyosuzume

necessary information
name, address, postal code, phone number, occupation and age are required.
selection committee

委員長  川端香男里氏 (財)川端康成記念曾理事長 東大名誉教授
Committee chairperson   President of Kawabata Foundation
Emiertus professor of Univerisity of Tokyo

井上章一氏   国際日本文化研究センタ-教授
Proffesor of International Research Center for Japanese Studies

奥田正叡氏   鷹峯常勝寺 住職

小林芙蓉氏   書画家

坂上英彦氏   京都嵯峨藝術大学教授
Professor of Kyoto Saga University of Arts

戸祭達郎氏   成美大学学長
President of Seibi university

西村明美氏   柊家女将
OKAMI of Hiiragiya Ryokan

浜田泰助氏   日本画家
Japanese-style painter

土居好江    NPO法人 遊悠舎京すずめ理事長 (50音順)
Director of Non-profit organization Yuyusya kyosusuzume

【表彰】  京都府知事賞、京都市長賞、京都新聞社賞
Award for Kyoto govenor, award for Kyoto mayor, award for The Kyoto Shimbun Co., Ltd

award for director of Kyosuzume, award for committee chairperson, and honorable mention

【賞品】  京名産等
Award specialty products of Kyoto

【作品発表】 入賞作品は直接ご本人に通知いたします。
Winners will be notified directly to the person

Inquiries of contest results will not be replied

Excellent work will be published as well as on the website of kyosuzume


【主催・事務局】NPO法人 遊悠舎京すずめ
The contest is sponsored by Non-profit organization Yuyusya kyosusuzume

【後援】 京都府 京都市 京都商工会議所、京都新聞社
Kyoto prefecture, kyoto city, Kyoto Chamber of Comerce and Industry, and The Kyoto Shimbun Co., Ltd

Please confirm the information below

Submitted work can not be return and revocate
All rights reserved

【著作権】  応募された作品の著作権は、京すずめに帰属します。
All rights reserved in Kyosuzume


Work can not be accepted if the entries are true to the following matters

Committe can cancell the award without any notification.

● 応募作品の内容が公序良俗に反しているもの等
the contents of entries is offensive to public order and morals

● 応募作品の内容が第三者の著作権その他の権利を侵害するもの等
the contents of entries that violate copyright or other rights of third parties

● 応募作品の内容が第三者の誹謗中傷、またはプライバシー侵害するもの等
the contents of entries that violate privacy or mental abuse of a third parties

● 応募作品の内容が法令等に違反し、または犯罪行為に結びつくもの等
the contents of entries that lead to criminal acts or violate the laws


Personal information has been provided with the application will only be used for contact to the
applicants, send the winning prize, and announce the winners
It will not be used for any other purposes



京都市下京区烏丸通仏光寺下ル大政所町680‐1 第八長谷ビル2階



Please feel free to contact us070-6500-4164Reception time 10: 00-17: 00 [except Saturdays,Sundays,and holidays]

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